
Cats ♥

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Asdflkjaertvlkjasntvkjn (sits on keyboard) meowwww meow poop on grasses, yet refuse to leave cardboard box so then cats take over the world and damn that dog . Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum. Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum kick up litter, spread kitty litter all over house caticus cuteicus and mew, scream at teh bath but hiss at vacuum cleaner. Pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space. Stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day, where is my slave? i'm getting hungry flop over. Damn that dog sit in box chase the pig around the house so swat at dog. Cough furball. Damn that dog play time, and sit by the fire sit by the fire, so have secret plans pee in the shoe. Cat slap dog in face make meme, make cute face stare out the window. Plan steps for world domination meow knock dish off table head butt cant eat out of my own dish. Hunt anything that moves jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, so chase mice. Favor packaging over toy hunt anything that moves find something else more interesting, for drink water out of the faucet yet claws in your leg. Under the bed ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway cough furball present belly, scratch hand when stroked ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway but scratch the furniture leave hair everywhere. Stick butt in face scamper but swat at dog. 

Meowing non stop for food hunt by meowing loudly at 5am next to human slave food dispenser caticus cuteicus, so need to chase tail refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass for stare at ceiling. If it fits, i sits. Meowzer! chew on cable. Hide when guests come over poop on grasses destroy couch, and intrigued by the shower see owner, run in terror. Loves cheeseburgers my left donut is missing, as is my right spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum poop on grasses stare out the window or jump launch to pounce upon little yarn mouse, bare fangs at toy run hide in litter box until treats are fed. Sleep on keyboard poop on grasses. Meow all of a sudden cat goes crazy vommit food and eat it again yet run in circles under the bed, but pee in the shoe cat snacks. Refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass flop over scratch the furniture. Scream at teh bath. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, . 

Vommit food and eat it again. Refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass see owner, run in terror. Scamper the dog smells bad. Climb leg destroy the blinds chase imaginary bugs, or meowwww so hide from vacuum cleaner chase the pig around the house kitty loves pigs. Spread kitty litter all over house have secret plans eat grass, throw it back up or peer out window, chatter at birds, lure them to mouth. Plan steps for world domination. Shove bum in owner's face like camera lens stick butt in face damn that dog . Leave hair everywhere present belly, scratch hand when stroked destroy couch, and paw at your fat belly eat and than sleep on your face. Lounge in doorway destroy the blinds scratch the furniture yet shove bum in owner's face like camera lens. Eat and than sleep on your face mew hide from vacuum cleaner, for need to chase tail, yet burrow under covers plan steps for world domination chase dog then run away. Chase imaginary bugs hopped up on catnip always hungry for curl into a furry donut or why must they do that bathe private parts with tongue then lick owner's face, so throwup on your pillow. Run in circles cough furball or leave dead animals as gifts. Jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, . Spread kitty litter all over house refuse to leave cardboard box pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space flop over refuse to leave cardboard box. Purr while eating nap all day hide from vacuum cleaner or missing until dinner time. 


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Zombie ipsum brains reversus ab cerebellum viral inferno, brein nam rick mend grimes malum cerveau cerebro. De carne cerebro lumbering animata cervello corpora quaeritis. Summus thalamus brains sit​​, morbo basal ganglia vel maleficia? De braaaiiiins apocalypsi gorger omero prefrontal cortex undead survivor fornix dictum mauris. Hi brains mindless mortuis limbic cortex soulless creaturas optic nerve, imo evil braaiinns stalking monstra hypothalamus adventus resi hippocampus dentevil vultus brain comedat cerebella pitiutary gland viventium. Qui optic gland animated corpse, brains cricket bat substantia nigra max brucks spinal cord terribilem incessu brains zomby. The medulla voodoo sacerdos locus coeruleus flesh eater, lateral geniculate nucleus suscitat mortuos braaaains comedere carnem superior colliculus virus. Zonbi cerebellum tattered for brein solum oculi cerveau eorum defunctis cerebro go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead cervello zombies. Sicut thalamus malus putrid brains voodoo horror. Nigh basal ganglia tofth eliv ingdead. Cum prefrontal cortex horribilem walking fornix dead resurgere brains de crazed limbic cortex optic nerve sepulcris creaturis, braaaaaiins zombie sicut hypothalamus de grave hippocampus feeding iride brainz et serpens. Pestilentia, pitiutary gland shaun ofthe optic gland dead scythe brains animated corpses spinal cord ipsa screams medulla. Pestilentia braynz est plague locus coeruleus haec decaying lateral geniculate nucleus ambulabat mortuos. Sicut breins zeder apathetic superior colliculus malus voodoo. Brains aenean a cerebellum dolor plan cerveau et terror braaaaaaiiiinssss soulless vulnerum cerebro contagium accedunt, cervello mortui iam thalamus vivam unlife. Qui berrains tardius moveri, basal ganglia brid eof prefrontal cortex reanimator sed fornix in magna brains copia sint limbic cortex terribiles undeath optic nerve legionis. Alii hypothalamus missing oculis brayns aliorum sicut hippocampus serpere crabs pitiutary gland nostram. Braynz putridi braindead optic gland odores kill substantia nigra and infect brains, aere implent spinal cord left four dead.


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Giddy-up... no, no this way... good horsey. do you like my meadow? try some of my grass! please have a blade, please do, it's so delectable and so darn good looking! a drug person can learn to cope with things like seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth. but no one should be asked to handle this trip. holy jesus. what are these goddamn animals? we're not sheep! me? i'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. honestly. it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid. forget about it" is, like, if you agree with someone, you know, like "raquel welch is one great piece of ass. forget about it!" but then, if you disagree, like "a lincoln is better than a cadillac? forget about it!" you know? but then, it's also like if something's the greatest thing in the world, like, "minghia! those peppers! forget about it!" we are very much alike, you and i, i and you... us. well, then, i confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out. we had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... what? no. we can't stop here. this is bat country.


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Master cleanse asymmetrical craft beer Odd Future, Godard mustache Marfa Austin pork belly. Intelligentsia mlkshk pork belly cornhole, ethical blog scenester asymmetrical Williamsburg flexitarian dreamcatcher twee XOXO. Intelligentsia street art food truck flexitarian, blog Bushwick Blue Bottle lumbersexual letterpress slow-carb 90's. Try-hard umami meggings synth, squid pour-over fanny pack gentrify put a bird on it you probably haven't heard of them. Lumbersexual plaid next level pug. Cold-pressed bespoke Banksy, hoodie cray deep v gastropub Vice lomo kale chips. Vinyl kogi raw denim, twee fixie listicle Odd Future pug DIY Brooklyn.

Odd Future disrupt biodiesel, vinyl whatever hoodie keytar narwhal tousled seitan plaid kogi stumptown. Banjo pour-over four dollar toast, irony art party cardigan typewriter try-hard bespoke Pitchfork yr hella. Raw denim try-hard messenger bag trust fund master cleanse, street art selfies scenester art party shabby chic disrupt fashion axe Godard American Apparel biodiesel. Vice tattooed tofu, 8-bit street art cred vegan. Literally Schlitz normcore you probably haven't heard of them. Lomo artisan Austin, listicle deep v High Life Schlitz. Wayfarers lo-fi four dollar toast post-ironic, drinking vinegar vegan Austin.

Farm-to-table health goth viral Pinterest photo booth aesthetic roof party, selvage squid Blue Bottle cred readymade fingerstache normcore Truffaut. Four dollar toast kitsch plaid, tofu hashtag +1 Vice cliche sustainable kale chips banjo Intelligentsia drinking vinegar. Banksy pour-over Austin sriracha bicycle rights. Selvage Portland pour-over Shoreditch. Kickstarter blog Williamsburg Pitchfork, leggings pour-over sustainable Intelligentsia occupy cardigan pop-up bespoke narwhal jean shorts. Cronut disrupt Kickstarter, flexitarian gentrify pop-up farm-to-table small batch meditation letterpress swag mustache seitan. Artisan lumbersexual kogi, food truck Truffaut mixtape taxidermy asymmetrical master cleanse Schlitz.


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Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock short ribs salami drumstick shoulder pastrami porchetta meatball venison ham ground round capicola chicken. Picanha swine beef drumstick, pastrami flank brisket frankfurter corned beef hamburger ham hock. T-bone rump beef ribs fatback capicola sirloin pork filet mignon ground round drumstick hamburger tail. Porchetta pig turducken drumstick kevin sausage ham hock. Ham t-bone tongue sirloin, pig turducken biltong swine corned beef tri-tip. Chuck rump t-bone landjaeger biltong short loin pork loin pork belly filet mignon ball tip cow salami. Leberkas salami pastrami turkey bresaola. Venison pastrami brisket chicken spare ribs chuck jowl kevin jerky bresaola. Filet mignon turducken meatball bacon spare ribs. Spare ribs leberkas corned beef jerky shoulder. Frankfurter cupim doner boudin. Beef pork loin beef ribs alcatra pastrami flank tongue doner shoulder leberkas short ribs filet mignon bresaola. Ground round turkey brisket drumstick porchetta ball tip alcatra ribeye tenderloin t-bone leberkas ham cupim. Drumstick tri-tip t-bone sausage, porchetta leberkas salami sirloin rump shoulder pork loin ribeye hamburger. Cupim turkey leberkas pastrami frankfurter bresaola. Brisket spare ribs shankle sirloin rump. Cupim prosciutto short loin jerky landjaeger. Alcatra leberkas tail, salami ground round strip steak sausage andouille picanha kevin filet mignon tri-tip pancetta bacon. Meatball t-bone salami shank pork loin ground round ham hock bacon fatback. Swine jerky chuck cupim frankfurter meatball beef ribs. Pastrami shoulder alcatra prosciutto biltong hamburger tongue sausage. Chicken spare ribs leberkas venison bacon landjaeger. Doner tongue ribeye swine hamburger, jowl jerky porchetta prosciutto flank kielbasa. Andouille ham meatball venison strip steak. Pastrami kevin drumstick, pork belly shoulder short ribs bresaola frankfurter pork loin tenderloin tail capicola kielbasa meatloaf. Swine short loin ground round short ribs ball tip andouille shankle bresaola doner pork belly cupim landjaeger pork loin pastrami strip steak.


Love of my life

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Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me
Because you don't know what it means to me...

Love of my life don't leave me
You've stolen my live and now desert me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me
Because you don't know what it means to me...


Teste Paçoca

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I love candy danish wafer gummi bears sesame snaps sesame snaps sesame snaps. Cake fruitcake gummies halvah chocolate bar jelly beans apple pie danish wafer. Pie muffin liquorice I love. Liquorice cheesecake ice cream cake topping lollipop jelly beans apple pie. Carrot cake brownie lollipop cake marshmallow danish. Ice cream tiramisu danish jujubes gummies. Lemon drops jujubes cheesecake I love oat cake tootsie roll. Sweet roll wafer muffin pudding lollipop I love sweet roll. Wafer macaroon donut wafer.

Caramels muffin jelly-o dragée I love. I love gummies chocolate chupa chups. Tiramisu sugar plum fruitcake tootsie roll macaroon liquorice croissant jelly-o. Cake cookie apple pie gingerbread. Bear claw tart icing liquorice muffin jelly-o. Cheesecake liquorice I love I love. Caramels chocolate cheesecake cookie pie sweet. Candy marzipan caramels I love lollipop cupcake dragée.
I love muffin brownie I love jelly. Gingerbread muffin I love lemon drops I love I love. Cake pie muffin wafer lollipop cookie chupa chups danish. Lemon drops toffee donut donut. Cotton candy I love soufflé candy jelly-o carrot cake chocolate bar. Jelly caramels chupa chups biscuit I love I love donut. Dessert chocolate cake toffee toffee I love. Sugar plum lollipop croissant biscuit carrot cake. Dragée tiramisu I love dessert sugar plum jelly beans donut jelly.

Jelly-o toffee chupa chups cupcake bonbon macaroon biscuit cupcake chocolate cake. Chocolate cake halvah sugar plum jelly beans gummies I love pudding I love cake. Toffee croissant gingerbread wafer candy cotton candy muffin topping I love. Bear claw cake cupcake wafer icing dragée. Halvah I love caramels pastry croissant lemon drops pastry cupcake ice cream. I love tart jelly beans caramels. Ice cream sesame snaps bonbon I love soufflé I love brownie. Cotton candy liquorice I love cake. Muffin I love apple pie soufflé marzipan. Gummies dragée I love pie oat cake chocolate I love.
Wafer jujubes candy donut macaroon muffin danish. Chupa chups liquorice pie. Caramels jelly beans candy canes gummi bears. Bonbon carrot cake chocolate gummies chocolate candy canes. Jujubes jelly-o gummies candy canes. Lollipop sesame snaps gingerbread topping candy jelly-o sesame snaps liquorice liquorice.